Resources from Empathy and Narrative Discussion Event 22nd January 2021

Please feel free to download the slides and notes from the discussion groups during this event below.

01222021 - Slides.pdf (475.0 KB)
01222021 - Discussion points per theme.pdf (110.0 KB)
01222021 - Notes Groups 1. Demarcation of Narrative Empathy and 2. Measurements of Narrative Empathy.docx.docx (13.0 KB)
01222021 - Notes Group 3. Textual Triggers of Narrative Empathy.docx (15.2 KB)
01222021 - Notes Group 4. Demarcation and Group 5. Measurements of Narrative Impact on Empathic Abilities (16.0 KB)
01222021 - Notes Group 6. Textual Triggers of Narrative Impact on Empathic Abilities.docx (14.2 KB)

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